expansion of consciousness. Professional Experience.

Coaching & retreats

Psychedelics and herbal medicines have been with humans for many millennia. They can be an important element on your journey to greater clarity, strength, and inner peace. Reality Upgrade provides you with a safe and professional framework for your experience with mind-expanding substances and helps you integrate into everyday life.

Next dates:
Oct. 11 to Oct. 13, 2024
Nov. 22 to Nov. 26, 2023

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Why complicate what can be easy?

What you need is within you!



Duties, conflicts, hamster wheels — life is often full of stress. Instead of running even faster: Take some time off for yourself and your needs. Rediscover what's really important to you.



More and more studies prove that psychedelics heal. For example, anxiety, depression, addictions, compulsions, or trauma. Lots of physical complaints too. How? By positively changing experiences and strengthening self-healing.



“Who am I really? What should I do? What can I do? “A fulfilling life, loving relationships, successful projects — if you follow your true self, you will be followed by happiness as if by itself. Psychedelics help you find your true, higher self.

Your reality upgrade

It's different. Newer. Better

Psychedelics have been experiencing a renaissance in recent years. Scientific studies prove their astonishing effectiveness for lasting well-being and personal development. Important: the right set and setting, i.e. a positive inner attitude and a supportive external environment. In the special atmosphere of our reality upgrades, we will accompany you with our proven, safe and legal psychedelic coaching program. You get in touch with your soul, see your world with new eyes, heal old wounds and let go of what pulls you down. You experience what you need and become a newer, better version of yourself. You'll experience an upgrade that stays with you.

Deep new experiences

A journey to yourself

Magical places

Get out of your familiar environment, into another world! Reality upgrades take place in locations that expand your scope. Unusual places, beautiful places, inspiring places. And above all: in new places within yourself.

Deep experience

Freedom instead of brainscrew. Happiness instead of brooding. Trust instead of control. Feeling instead of thinking. Pleasure instead of suffering. Psychedelics allow you to dive deep into yourself. Take time for your soul. Feel a deep connection. Flow. Heal. Waxes.

Coaching & Team

You're not alone Experience a lovingly developed coaching program with preparation, retreat and integration. Our coaches and supervisors are professionals with experience. The atmosphere of our groups is warm, relaxed, appreciative and respectful.


Then get in touch with us.

The program

Reality upgrade process

Psychedelic travel is one of the most meaningful experiences a person can have in their life. That is why we have put a lot of attention to detail into the development of Reality Upgrades. In addition to a special process with elements such as coaching, meditations or delicious vegan cuisine, we value good preparation before and integration after the retreat. Of course, we offer you a quiet and protected environment in which you can be yourself. A high caregiver key also guarantees that you feel safe.


First, we'll find out in a personal conversation whether a reality upgrade is right for you. If so, you're ready to go: You'll get access to an online course with Pia Isabel Rössle and Dr. Stefan Frädrich to prepare yourself: How do psychedelics work? What exactly can you expect? How can you use the experience for yourself? You will also get to know the other participants in a closed WhatsApp group.

Day 1

The group, including coaches and supervisors, comes together in the retreat center and gets to know each other in person. A brief introduction is followed by initial body and awareness exercises as well as deep meditation. Then we move on to holotropic breathing, which gives you a first psychedelic experience. Of course, we also eat together, chill out and talk a lot. Then it's off to the room to get some sleep for the next day.

Day 2

Now is the day of your deep journey to yourself. We start the day in peace and you will receive a legal psychedelic whose dose we will adjust individually. Then you lie on a comfortable mattress, put on a sleeping mask and, accompanied by supportive music, glide slowly into your trip inside. If necessary, the supervisors will help you deal with your experience. After a few hours, when the effect wears off, all participants follow their impulses: Some exchange ideas, others relax on the grounds, others write down their thoughts. The atmosphere is relaxed and relaxed, familiar and friendly. And there is a lot of laughter. Of course, there is also a delicious dinner.

Day 3

The third day is all about afterglow, a wonderful feeling of lightness, openness and more intensive perception, which subsides very slowly. And we come together in a spirit of trust to share, i.e. share our experiences. Integral discussions with supervisors also take place as desired and required in order to make a good understanding of what has been experienced. Physical exercises such as yoga also help you get back to the here and now as well as in your own body. For the days following the retreat, we will provide you with a program for long-term integration. The WhatsApp group also continues to exist in order to stay in contact with each other permanently.

That's what our participants say

“The best day of my life! ”

“I never would have thought that such an experience was possible. I had the best day of my entire life. ”

Name Surname

Position, company name

"I was able to witness incredible processes and changes that were far more than I could ever have imagined. This experience has changed my view of the world and my role in it. The gratitude I feel and the joy I derive from this experience are immeasurable."

Name Surname

Position, company name

“I was finally able to let go of my past. Since the retreat, everything feels easier, I feel like I've been reborn. ”

Name Surname

Position, company name

“I realized that I don't have to constantly fight, control and perform. ”

Name Surname

Position, company name

“I felt pure love. That feeling was so strong and so real that it still persists even though weeks had passed. ”

Name Surname

Position, company name

“I've been going around in circles professionally for years. Now I could see myself limiting myself. And I had idea after idea, some of which I'm implementing. ”

Name Surname

Position, company name

“Somehow I broke up as if I wasn't there anymore. And I felt connected to everyone: to nature, to God, to all people, to my ancestors. That was crazy and helps me today not to take myself and my small problems so seriously anymore. ”

Name Surname

Position, company name

“My wish for the retreat was to clarify my very complicated relationship. And it worked. I was able to recognize connections that I was previously blind to. I could feel what we both really needed. We've made a big step forward. ”

Name Surname

Position, company name

“For years, I felt alone, constantly sought attention and closeness, which was often not good for me. Now I know that I am not alone and never was. What a relief! ”

Name Surname

Position, company name

“I have a question. ”

We would be happy to answer them for you.

What other positive effects do psychedelics have?

The loosening of fixed thought pathways through increased neuronal connectivity leads to increased creativity. It's easier to find unconventional solutions — both privately and professionally, even after the psychedelic trip is over.

There are often spiritual experiences, finding deep meaning and clarifying important life issues. Access to emotions is also opened, which enables the emotional processing of experiences. You feel your body better, often permanently. Built-up or blocked energy is also often released, for example through trembling or other involuntary movements — a very pleasant lasting feeling. Sexual blockages are also released, and libido is often increased.

The dissolution of one's own sense of self, of the “ego”, is also very pleasant. You feel relieved because you take yourself and your problems less seriously. New perspectives enable an expansion of consciousness that lasts permanently. Overall, you become looser, cooler and also experience love and peace. Life is good, nothing really bad is happening. A real personality upgrade.

“I'm still unsure, what should I do? ”

It is important to us that you choose a psychedelic retreat or coaching voluntarily and with inner openness. Doubts and fears are normal. But this is also the case before exams in school and education, the first driving lesson or the first kiss. And everyone probably knows that only overcoming fears makes new experiences possible.

Let's find out in a personal conversation whether Reality Upgrade is right for you. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

What role will psychedelics play in the future?

In psychotherapy, it is becoming apparent that the use of psychedelics has the potential for therapeutic revolutions. Many conventional medical and psychotherapeutic procedures will be considered obsolete in a few years.

We are convinced that as part of gradual global legalization, psychedelics will soon have more and more positive effects on society, politics, economy, personal development, the environment and nature. We're all becoming more aware — and making better decisions.

How intensive will the experiences be with Reality Upgrade?

Our goal is to achieve the best possible result in the ideal setting and with the optimal dosage. A single appointment is often enough for lasting improvements in life. We tailor the intensity of the experiences to the individual needs of the client. Roughly two intensity levels can be distinguished: psycholytic and psychedelic. With psycholytic levels of experience, largely reflected coaching processes are still possible with the client; you can work together with increased awareness. In psychedelic depths of experience, reality partially dissolves and enables processes beyond conscious thought and voluntary self-control.

How can you prepare for Reality Upgrade?

None of what we write here is something we make up or reflect only our subjective point of view. We also don't want to persuade you to go on a psychedelic trip. We therefore recommend that you provide yourself with diverse, independent and comprehensive information. Coverage of psychedelics has increased enormously, across all media. Whether in books, newspapers, magazines, documentary series, films or on social media — knowledge about psychedelics and their effects is spreading more and more.

A few ideas: Check out our Instagram page for inspiration about us and our work. In terms of books, we recommend “Higher Self” by Gregor Hasler, “Change Your Consciousness” by Michael Pollan and “Why Goals Are Nonsense” by Stefan Frädrich. There is also a four-part Netflix series about “Change Your Consciousness.” The documentaries “Psychedelic Adventures. Have a good trip! “as well as “Fantastic Fungi.” For fans of good fiction, we recommend the series “Nine Perfect Strangers” with Nicole Kidman.

What spiritual experiences are possible?

One of the most moving experiences of psychedelic travel is inner peace. Everything is good, everything is allowed, everything must be accepted. This total acceptance goes hand in hand with a sense of unity. Everything is interconnected. We are part of something bigger, higher, of all humanity, nature, the cosmos. This abolition of separation and the understanding of the “matrix” surrounding us as a kind of illusion in which we move like players in a game and help shape it ourselves allows us to recognize and accept our own role in life. Depending on the depth of experience, we understand the cycle of life up to the acceptance of our own mortality. There is also often an experience of something mystical, divine, which is filled with deep humility and gratitude. The problems of our small lives and our everyday lives recede into the background, we see a larger, beautiful picture in which everything happens exactly as it should be. We gain basic trust in existence itself.

Similar states of spiritual wisdom and deep peace can be achieved with “conventional” methods even without substances, for example through meditation, mindfulness, silence, prayer, falling in love, reading important writings, or in seminars and retreats. The difference: Psychedelic trips make these experiences possible immediately and reach deeper layers of knowledge thanks to expanded awareness.

Are other mind-expanding methods being used?

At Reality Upgrade, we also use complementary methods to overcome the limitations of everyday awareness, such as music, deep meditations or physical exercises. During Sensual Dance, we intuitively dance to a specially created playlist. This lightens the mood, especially before psychedelic trips, and often feels like a kind of party.

Psychedelic states can be achieved even without substances, such as in breathwork sessions through guided breathing techniques. We regularly conduct these in Reality Upgrade retreats.

Other sensual and mind-expanding experiences with or without substances such as ice bathing, sauna, temazcal (ritual Mexican sweat lodge) or an ayahuasca night with shamanic accompaniment enrich our program, depending on the country and the possibilities of the respective retreat centers.

Which psychedelics are used in Reality Upgrade?

We are guided by the legal framework at the location of coaching or retreat as well as the individual needs of our clients.

What do retreats and individual coaching cost with Reality Upgrade?

The costs of individual coaching with Pia Isabel Rössle start at 3,500 plus VAT and increase depending on the duration, additional support or supporting methods such as human design or the use of The Vibe, a frequency range that intensifies the processes. Individual coaching with team members may also be possible and useful. If you are interested, please contact us to find the ideal setting for you.

Reality Upgrade retreats in the Netherlands cost 3,000, - EUR plus VAT per person. The price includes all elements of the retreat as well as accommodation and meals. Arrival and departure are organized by yourself and are at your own expense.

Our Reality Upgrade retreats in Mexico are calculated differently, depending on the retreat center and room category or accommodation. Please ask for our conditions separately. Here, too, arrival and departure are organized by the participants themselves and are at their own expense. We would be happy to help you plan your trip.

Which is better: individual coaching or retreats?

That cannot be said in general terms; both have advantages.

Individual coaching sessions focus on the client, who is accompanied on their psychedelic journey by one or two coaches. Some people are reluctant to be part of a group or attach particular importance to personal support and support. Individual coaching is particularly useful when it is foreseeable that coaching will be intensive and processes will have to be individually supervised. Many also shy away from a first experience with psychedelics in a group. The presence of others unsettles or disturbs them. Some also attach great importance to privacy. In these cases, we recommend individual coaching lasting several hours.

The advantages of retreats lie in the group and their duration of several days, which allows deeper involvement in the processes. The various program components and the special places where our retreats take place create an ideal setting. And the presence of others enables deep human connection and a healthy relativization of our own perspectives: As much as we may feel as individuals, we are often similar to each other when we experience our topics. It's good to feel, mirror and support each other. And: Tripping together creates lasting friendships, which we experience again and again.

We would be happy to advise you in a personal conversation which is better for you. But no matter what you choose: Both in individual coaching sessions and in retreats, you can go through important processes intensively and safely. I promised.

What does the accompaniment look like in Reality Upgrade?

We attach great importance to a professional setting. This includes not only the external circumstances in beautiful, protected places, but above all the support: All our coaches and guides have their own, often many years of substantive experience. They can therefore empathize with particular empathy and respond to everything that happens during the trip. A high level of professional competence is also important to us. Our teams are therefore interdisciplinary: We are supported by trained coaches, psychologists, medical professionals, spiritual teachers or body therapists, for example. No matter what our clients need during their trip — they get it. We pay particular attention to the personal integrity, life experience and human maturity of all team members: Whoever accompanies us has their own topics under control, often with an independent or entrepreneurial background, i.e. stands with both feet in life, is stress-tested and can provide support and orientation. In this way, our participants feel accepted, safe and secure with their topics, which is also helped by an unusually high number of supervisors. No matter what happens, someone is always there when you need them.

Previous discussions, instructional videos and a joint WhatsApp group guarantee good preparation. The retreats and coaching sessions take place in a protected and lovingly supportive environment outside the familiar environment, so that everyone can engage in their internal processes. Before we start, we create a familiar, relaxed and positive atmosphere. Conversations, coaching exercises or joint meditation, for example, help here.

Depending on the location and retreat options, we also use supportive sensory experiences such as music, sounds, scents, touch, sensual dance, meditations, yoga, ice bathing or temazcal. We also incorporate nature into the sensory experience, such as jungle, forest or swimming in the sea, in cenotes or a lake.

How do psychedelics work in the brain?

Psychedelics work primarily through the serotonin system, which is responsible for well-being and satisfaction. They dock at 5-HT2A receptors, including in the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for cognition and perception.

Overall, neuronal activity increases and transmitters such as serotonin, glutamate or dopamine are released. This leads to many changes in the experience of feelings, sensors and perception of time. Particularly helpful: These experiences are not forgotten as if after a dream, but are also remembered later.

In the end, our thoughts spring out of their usual grooves. This interrupts unproductive musings and leads to new perspectives and solutions. Increased neuroplasticity, i.e. the brain's ability to adapt and learn by building and wiring new nerve connections, promotes renetworking of the brain. Even established thinking can now change direction, a great relief, especially in depressive conditions: At last, difficult topics can be mentally processed and adapted to new circumstances.

There is also a reduction in the activity of the so-called Default Mode Network, a group of interacting brain structures which, in their interplay, make up our “I”. That also feels relieving: You are no longer at the center of everything happening, take yourself less seriously and feel more relaxed and relaxed overall.

What are the risks and side effects? And how can they be prevented?

Psychedelic travel can also lead to unpleasant experiences, such as anxiety, confusion, or temporary disorientation. In order to minimize the risk, good preparation and a pleasant and safe environment are important, i.e. the right “set and setting” for the trip. At Reality Upgrade, we pay attention to both.

Pre-existing psychiatric conditions such as psychosis or increased vulnerability to them are also problematic: Psychedelics can trigger renewed psychoses, which requires a detailed medical history beforehand.

HPPD, Halllucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder, occurs very rarely. Even after the psychedelic journey, your experience is changed for a short time, as if you were still under the influence of the substance. However, these brief so-called “flashbacks” are harmless and usually go away on their own. Good integration after the trip is important. It is also possible to heal the flashbacks through integrated conversations.

So-called “bad trips”, i.e. experiencing bad scenes during a psychedelic journey, are also unpleasant. Should these occur, we do not recommend fighting them. It is better to face them. Because they often have a symbolic meaning and should therefore be lived through in order to free yourself from them. If you try to avoid them or flee from them, they can intensify or the underlying trauma remains unresolved. But bad moments are also part of life — no problem as long as we accept them and process them well. Everyone probably knows: After night comes day. And a bad trip only lasts until the good trip begins. In addition, we repeatedly experience that even unpleasant psychedelic trips have positive effects because they initiate healing processes in the long term. In this respect, bad trips are also actually a good thing.

Paranoia can also occur during the trip. This is when there is mistrust, unjustified suspicions or the feeling of being manipulated. In this case, we reassure our clients or increase the dose of the substance to reduce voluntary control. That's when the paranoia disappears too. Physical side effects can include nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, or muscle twitching. These are harmless to physically healthy people and often even therapeutically useful: Symbolic vomiting cleanses the mind, tensions and conflicts are trembled out or important memories are relived emotionally again. All of this has healing effects, making you feel relieved and full of energy afterwards. Of course, a previous medical history minimizes the risk. We make sure that no serious physical illnesses or drug interactions become dangerous.

The uncontrolled mixed consumption of several substances is critical. In this case, individual effects can cancel each other out or reinforce each other. This can lead to intensive, undesired effects. Even in an uncontrolled party setting, unpleasant surprises are possible, especially without good preparation, support and integration.

We therefore recommend a professional setting in a protected setting with intensive preparation, experienced support and good integration after the psychedelic journey.

What are the therapeutic effects of psychedelics?

Psychedelics have promising therapeutic effects. Their effectiveness against depression, anxiety disorders, addictions, cluster headaches or trauma is considered scientifically proven. They are also helpful for psychosomatic illnesses as well as for individual physical illnesses by improving psychological well-being and increasing general well-being and thus indirectly contributing to reducing disease spirals.

An important operating principle is to build up an emotional protective layer against stressors; you get a “thicker coat”, so to speak, and can face difficult topics in an emotionally protected way and process them. This is how traumas and fears are healed. This can have the effect of years of psychotherapy — within just a few hours! There is an upgrade of experience, your own personality and your view of the world.

Why were psychedelics banned? And why are they being legalized again?

The ban on psychedelics was not a medical decision, but a political decision: In the days of counterculture in the 1960s, many people revolted against social conventions. Commonly used substances such as LSD promoted this because they make it possible to free oneself from cultural and social influences. This should be prevented. As a result, psychedelics disappeared from public and scientific awareness for decades, were only used secretly and actively prevented research into their possibilities.

In recent years, however, psychedelics have been experiencing a renaissance in society, therapy and research. They are also gradually being legalized or decriminalized again in many countries (e.g. in Portugal, the Netherlands, USA, Brazil, Peru, Mexico or Bolivia), which leads to complex legal batches: For example, possession and use may be legal, but their sale may be illegal. Many derivatives of psychedelics are also legal, such as certain LSD derivatives in Germany. Or certain psychedelics are restricted in their legal or earmarked use, such as MDMA, which is approved in the USA or Australia for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Important: Reality Upgrade complies with legislation and works exclusively within a legal framework in coaching and retreats.

How long have people been using psychedelics?

Humanity has been using psychedelics for thousands of years, for example in shamanic rituals. Magic mushrooms have already been depicted in cave paintings. They are also commonly used in plant medicine in many regions of the world. Even the philosophers of ancient Greece have already philosophized on mushrooms, giving us valuable insights about life. Until the end of the 1960s, LSD was the most researched psychoactive substance. Many therapeutic and creativity-boosting effects have been proven for decades.

How do psychedelics differ from other “drugs”?

We think “drugs” are the wrong word and prefer to use the terms “substances” or “medicine.” In contrast to addictive drugs such as alcohol, nicotine, cocaine or heroin, which primarily target the dopamine or opioid system and have a stimulating or psychologically displacing effect, psychedelics have an effect on the serotonin system. This has no addictive potential and is physically and psychologically harmless in a professional setting.

Anyone who takes psychedelics does not flee from themselves, but embarks on an inward journey of knowledge: Depending on the dose, there are psycholytic experiences with deep reflection and insights, similar to psychotherapy, as well as psychedelic experiences, during which reality dissolves for a short period of time.

What psychedelics are there?

The most well-known are LSD (a synthetic ergot alkaloid), psilocybin (the active ingredient in “magic mushrooms”), mescaline (derived from peyotecactus, for example), ketamine (an anesthetic), DMT (the active ingredient in ayahuasca) or MDMA (the active ingredient in ecstasy).

Many of these substances are still illegal in many countries. However, due to its demonstrably positive effect and increasing social acceptance, legalization is taking place gradually.

Reality Upgrade uses psychedelics exclusively within a legal framework.

Why is coaching with psychedelics useful?

In contrast to lengthy and often theoretical or brained coaching and therapies, psychedelics provide immediate deep, genuine and intuitive access to yourself. This results in deep and lasting transformation — without dependence on the coach or therapist. There is a real upgrade of your own reality.

What are psychedelics?

Psychedelics are a class of psychoactive substances with mind-altering effects. They influence perception, thoughts, mood and consciousness. They are neither poisonous nor dangerous. Nor are they addictive.

What are the benefits of psychedelics?

Psychedelics have enormous therapeutic potential, help with personal development, increase creativity and enable introspective, spiritual and mystical experiences.

What are the effects of psychedelics?

Visual, auditory and sensory perception is changing temporarily: shapes, colors, sounds, smells, touches — everything is more intense and different from “normal” for the duration of the effect.

Thoughts also change: Deeper thinking, a changed sense of time or an intensive focus on mental processes are possible. We feel euphoria, happiness and contentment — even after the psychedelic journey. Often permanently. There is also an increase in creativity and networked thinking, which is very helpful in everyday life. And there is an intense sense of connection with other people, nature and a higher existence. This enables deep self-knowledge, spiritual and sometimes even mystical insights and experiences. Many fears are also resolved: We gain trust — in life and in ourselves.

In general, it is very difficult to put a psychedelic experience into words. Imagine experiencing millions of colors but only having a few available to paint a picture of them.

How exactly does Reality Upgrade help?

Through immediate expansion of consciousness. After just a single coaching or retreat, problems often disappear into thin air, and a number of shackles and weights are suddenly gone. Instead, you can experience joy, freedom and meaning. The whole reality is taken to a higher level. As a result, many of our participants lead better lives — immediately and permanently.

How does Reality Upgrade create such improvements?

Through a deep journey inward. This does not require complicated or clumsy methods and analyses, but an ancient and at the same time new or “forgotten” method for decades: the use of psychedelics — with Reality Upgrade in a professional setting. This is how psychological knots are finally released, deep insights can be gained and true happiness can be found and experienced.

What is Reality Upgrade for?

Many people feel limited in their lives or feel stuck. They feel that they are falling short of their options — a completely normal phenomenon. Often we just function, have no access to our true emotions, experience crises, or want to find our direction in life. In doing so, we are dominated by bad experiences, fears or narrow internal limits.

Even when life is actually going okay: Many are successful from the outside. But internally, they feel that something is missing. And: There's even more to it. Many have already worked intensively on personal development or spirituality or have undergone therapies. This is often helpful, but the big breakthrough is missing. The result: We live a life below our means. We live past ourselves.

Reality upgrade retreats and coaching sessions help you live the life you want.

The new level

Our coaches and guides are empathetic, committed, professional and bring experience from various fields: as psychologists, doctors, entrepreneurs or spiritual teachers, for example. And they agree: Psychedelics enable profound and lasting improvements in a very short time. They know this not only thanks to the support of others, but also through intensive personal experiences with psychedelics.

Our next dates

Reality Upgrade Oktober 2024
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Reality Upgrade November 2024
Mexiko – Riviera Maya
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Reality Upgrade Dezember 2024
Mexiko – Baja California
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Reality Upgrade Januar 2025
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Reality Upgrade Februar 2025
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Reality Upgrade März 2025
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Reality Upgrade April 2025
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Reality Upgrade Juli 2025
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Reality Upgrade August 2025
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Reality Upgrade September 2025
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Reality Upgrade November 2025
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Reality Upgrade Dezember 2025
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